- Status New
- Price $939,000
- Bed 8 Beds
- Bath 3 Baths
- Location West Town
Malia Motley
Beautiful and meticulously maintained 3 unit building + 2 car garage, in perfect Humboldt Park location! Building boasts two, 3 bed | 1 bath units and one 2 bed | 1 bath unit. All units were renovated in 2019-New kitchens, floors, baths, some windows, appliances, etc. Individual water heaters, electrical panels and separate laundry + storage for each unit in basement. Fully occupied with lots of room to increase rent prices.
General Info
- Price $939,000
- Bed 8 Beds
- Bath 3 Baths
- Taxes $11,982
- Market Time 16 days
- Year Built Not provided
- Square Feet Not provided
- Assessments Not provided
- Assessments Include Not provided
- Source MRED as distributed by MLS GRID
- Total Rooms 17
- Bedrooms 8 Beds
- Bathrooms 3 Baths
- Heat Gas, Forced Air
- Air Conditioning Not provided
- Appliances Not provided
- Parking Garage
- Age Unknown
- Exterior Brick
Mortgage Calculator
- List Price{{ formatCurrency(listPrice) }}
- Taxes{{ formatCurrency(propertyTaxes) }}
- Assessments{{ formatCurrency(assessments) }}
- List Price
- Taxes
- Assessments
Estimated Monthly Payment
{{ formatCurrency(monthlyTotal) }} / month
- Principal & Interest{{ formatCurrency(monthlyPrincipal) }}
- Taxes{{ formatCurrency(monthlyTaxes) }}
- Assessments{{ formatCurrency(monthlyAssessments) }}